DuFrene Family

DuFrene Family
Such a beautiful family!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 5

Kristine is in good spirits today.  She is still very tired but feels better today than she did yesterday.  Her body is beginning to ache in certain areas from sitting and lying in her hospital bed.  The nurses had her get up and walk around a bit yesterday to help with circulation and avoid blood clots.  She must wear a mask and gloves to avoid any infectious germs. 

She received a couple more blood transfusions yesterday and some platelets.  Dave had a nice conversation with the physicians assistant (PA) who had a lot of reassuring words about Kristine's doctor, Dr. Jack Jacoub.  Dave is confident Kristine is receiving the best care possible and this only reaffirms his belief that she will fully recover from this disease.

Dave explained that the doctors find it baffling that Kristine acquired AML being that she is so young.  This type of leukemia is more common in the elderly.  Her age plays in her favor for defeating this and the fact that she has no other underlying health issues.

Please continue to pray for Kristine as she fights for her life.  I don't want my words of confidence above to lead anyone to believe she is out of the woods by any means.  If you'd like to visit or talk with Kristine, please continue to follow the protocol explained in Day 2 & 3's blogs.  It definitely lifts her spirits even more when she can see or speak to her friends and family.  She loved receiving the card from her friend Deb who also enclosed some great photos she had taken of the kids and Dave.  Thanks for doing that Deb, she absolutely loves what you did!


  1. Kristine you are a very strong and determined individual and we all love you for it! You will beat this! Stay Strong! Marisa

  2. Kristine "KK" my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. May God continue to watch over you and heal you in this time of need. Keep your head up. Love you girl!!
    Sharla and 'ohana

  3. Sharla & 'ohana,

    Kristine said Dave said they are going to visit you in Hawaii after she kicks this cancer in the ass. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. It keeps her strong!

    Karen for Kristine
