DuFrene Family

DuFrene Family
Such a beautiful family!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 28

They released Kristine from the hospital earlier today!  Her neutrophils were up high enough to allow her to complete this phase of her treatment from home.  She learned how to give herself the neupogen injections and is hopefully resting comfortably in her own bed right now.  :)

Dave has been busy prepping their home for her return.  He and my mom cleaned their house and Dave had the carpets cleaned.  He also added a bit of color to the house by doing a little painting.  I haven't heard what he did yet, but I believe he possibly painted an accent wall in one or two of the rooms.  It was a sweet gesture to help make their home feel a little bit cozier since Kristine last been there almost a month ago. 

Next week Kristine has an appointment scheduled with Dr. Paquette at the UCLA Ronald Reagan Cancer Center which I will now refer to as the RRMC for short.  My sisters and I will soon be tested to see if any of us are a match for Kristine's much needed transplant.  Please join me in praying that one of us is a match for her. 

We are hoping to complete this next phase of her journey ASAP as we recently learned Kristine's medical insurance will cease in 5 months if she does not go back to work before then.  Kristine used her PPO insurance through her union at Albertson's as the primary and Dave's as a secondary.  Dave's insurance was declined as a secondary.  It's a load of BS and is adding undue stress on them.  They are trying to figure out a way to make sure Kristine is insured throughout her treatment.  I'm sure they would appreciate any advice in this matter.

Obviously, this is of great concern to us and we would love for you to also pray for a resolution to this matter as well.  Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 27

My apologies to all the friends and family following this blog for my delay in getting any messages out to you for the past few days.  Although...  no news is good news.  Kristine neutrophils are way up!  In fact, they are at 1500!!  Wahoo!!  However, the PA said Kristine is still neutropenic - meaning she still doesn't quite have enough white blood cells to be considered non-immunocompromised.

With the improvements Kristine's blood counts have made over the last few days, Dr. Jacoub says he may release her as early as Monday to go home and continue treatment at home!  This is very exciting news!!  She will still have to go back to the hospital twice a week for her blood to be tested and she will be required to give herself neupogen injections which she learned how to do yesterday.  The neupogen injections are the shots been receiving since March 15th to help her marrow make new blood cells.

Dr. Jacoub has talked with Dr. Paquette at the UCLA Ronald Reagan Cancer Center and Kristine will be meeting with him as early as next week or the week after.  This meeting will be Kristine's first evaluation for a possible bone marrow transplant.  We are so excited for this appointment!! 

I wanted to insert a couple more photos to share.  The first is titled Yuuki's class.  Hayato Yuuki is a friend of Dave and Kristine's who has been so emotionally supportive to not only Dave and Kristine but to my sisters as I as well.  He spearheaded the fundraising efforts with the Kristine DuFrene Leukemia Awareness wristbands.  His students asked to purchase wristbands in support of Kristine and the photo shows his class wearing their wristbands while standing infront of the whiteboard with messages written to Kristine.  What a great group of kids!!

The other new photo I inserted is of Dave showing his support of Kristine's beautiful bald head.  He and his friend Yuuki shaved their heads the other day along with some members of Station 3 where Dave works.  My son said he would like to do the same and my husband is going to join him in this gesture of support when we arrive for out next visit with Kristine. 

Once again, thank you to all the friends and family who have been praying for Kristine.  She is doing fabulous and we want to keep her on this path of healing so keep praying!!  Thank you!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


There are certain questions that have come up time and time again, so I thought I would address those here.

1.)  How did Kristine get leukemia? 
Answer:  No one knows.  There is no indication as to how Kristine's cancer developed in her bone marrow.  The doctors have been baffled by this.  Kristine has Acute Myeloid Leukemia (subtype still unknown at this time).  AML is most common amongst the elderly ages 60 and over and is rare in persons under the age of 40.  With that said, one of the nurses had a discussion with Kristine stating they have recently seen an increase of patients aged 18-40 diagnosed with AML.  Specifically how recent is unknown. 

2.)  Does Kristine need a bone marrow transplant? 
Answer:  Yes.

3.)  Should friends and family be tested to see if they are a match?
Answer:  No, not at this time.  Kristine must first be evaluated at the next facility she will be treated at -- Ronald Reagan Cancer Center or City of Hope Medical Center.  Her best chance at a match will be with one of her three sisters.  If none of them are a match, the doctors will then look to the National Donor Registry for Bone Marrow for a possible match. 

4.)  Do you need to have marrow extracted to be tested to see if you are a match for Kristine?
Answer:  No, the test is a simple swab of the inner cheek.  In fact, a bone marrow donor doesn't even have to have marrow extracted from the hip as most have thought.  Blood is simply drawn and the stem cells are extracted from the blood.  Now that all of you know this, go out and get tested to be a potential bone marrow donor!  There are plenty of people in the world who may need your help.

5.)  How is Kristine REALLY feeling and handling everything?
Answer:  Honestly, exactly as I've documented in this blog.

If anyone has any specific questions they would like answered, please don't be shy, ASK.  You can call Dave or email me at karenk@lendscape.com and I promise we will do the best we can to get your questions answered.

Day 24 - Good news!!

We received some good news this morning!  Kristine blood levels are starting to show signs of increasing.  Up until this point, her levels would only increase by .1 each day.  However, today the PA informed Dave and Kristine that her levels went from .7 to 1.1 and that each day we should continue to see larger and larger jumps in her levels.  Hooray!  If this continues and she remains cancer free, Kristine might be allowed to rest at home starting as early as a week from now.  She would be allowed to stay at home until the next phase of her treatment which is her evaluation for a potential bone marrow transplant at either the UCLA Ronald Reagan Cancer Center or City of Hope Medical Center. 

Another thing the PA mentioned today is how her doctors and nurses have all been touched by Kristine's spirit.  She said Kristine has been such an inspiration and has maintained such a positive attitude throughout her diagnosis and treatment.  Never once has Kristine whined or asked, "Why me?"  She also said other patients tend to complain about every little thing; while Kristine just smiles and takes everything in stride without grievance.  She takes one day at time and doesn't ask a lot of questions so she can remain focused on the here and now.  I cannot tell you how proud my sisters and I are of Kristine.  I truly believe her strength and positivism has paved the way for all of us to take a similar approach to the tribulations and obstacles each of may face in our lives. 

Go Kristine!  Keep fighting the fight and keep smiling!  You have an unbelievable number of cheerleaders and prayer warriors supporting you.  We love you!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 22 & 23

Day 22:  Yesterday was a fairly good day for Kristine.  The achiness in her bones has gone away for now.  It has also been two days of no headaches.  Thank goodness! 

Since more and more of her hair kept falling out and leaving a mess behind in her bed, Kristine decided to have another hair cut.  The hospital has a professional who volunteers her time to come to the Oncology unit to do just that for the chemo patients.  So, as you can see from the Day 22 photo, Kristine is donning what Dave calls, the G.I. Jane look.  She said it's a little cold not having any hair, but she likes not having to worry about more hair falling out or getting caught down her back and making her itchy.

Kristine said Dave was caught by surprise with her new look.  I think he's taking it harder than she is.  In fact, she isn't taking it hard at all.  She proudly showed off her bald head to Kathy and I during a video call via Skype.  I want you all to know, Kristine has a very nice shaped head! 

This whole ordeal has been so emotionally difficult for Dave and the rest of the family as well.  Kristine remains solid in her strength and belief that she will overcome this and we must follow her example by continuing to support her with prayer and positive thoughts!

Day 23:  Today Kristine is extremely tired.  Her blood pressure and hemoglobin were really low, I believe she said her BP was 80/40, so she is getting two units of blood transfused today.  She said she had a busy night last night, problems with her IV machine which causes it to incessantly beep until the nurse comes in to fix it.  Needless to day, she didn't sleep much. 

So Kristine is trying to rest this afternoon.  Let's give her a break from the phone calls and text messages until later this evening (after 7pm) or better yet, tomorrow.  Thanks everyone!

P.S.  Don't forget to pray for her blood levels to come up!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 20 & 21

Sorry about not posting a blog message yesterday, I had to leave Orange County and make the long drive home to Northern Cal.  It was so hard leaving Kristine, but I know she is in good hands with my parents still there, the oncology nurses and of course, Dave at her side. 

The neupogen injections Kristine has been receiving are starting to make her bones ache.  Dr. Jacoub informed her this was likely and would be uncomfortable.  The fighter Kristine is, she takes it all in stride in hopes that she will defeat her leukemia.  Overall, Kristine is feeling pretty good and is in good spirits. 

I think the most difficult aspect of what Kristine has been enduring throughout this ordeal has been missing her babies.  Nevermind the tummy issues, the headaches, the hairloss -- the heartache from being without her children is almost unbearable. 

Thankfully, Kristine was able to have a quick visit with Kahlen today and had a visit with Logan a few days ago.  Although, it is torture not to be able to touch or hold them, she is grateful she is at least able to see them in person.  Saying bye to Mommy is very difficult for Kahlen though.  It bring tears to my eyes just trying to type this as I've witnessed her kicking and screaming saying, "No, no, no!"

OK, I've pulled it together...  as you can see from the new photos, Kristine's hair just keeps falling out.  So she's requested my mom shear off what's left.  Her head is tender from the hairloss, which is normal, so hopefully once it is all gone, it won't be as sensitive and uncomfortable.

Kristine and Dave are researching the potential medical facilities that Kristine will eventually transfer to for evaluation and hopefully treatment for a bone marrow transplant.  They are looking at the City of Hope Medical Center and the UCLA Ronald Reagan Cancer Center.  If anyone has any referrals they'd like to provide, please do so by making a comment below.

Well, that's all I have for now.  Please keep praying for Kristine!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 18 & 19

I apologize for not blogging Thursday.

Yesterday was a pretty good day for Kristine.  She seems to be overcoming most of her tummy issues and we think we've figured out what is causing those debilitating headaches Kristine keeps having 3 times a day.  Dr. Vu (one of Dr. Jacoub's colleagues) believes the headaches are a result of her lumbar puncture from when they did the spinal fluid test.  The headaches began that day and appear to come about when Kristine sits upright.  If Kristine remains lying down, she is able to keep the headaches away.  We hope this will soon pass.

As most of you know, chemo has some pretty significant side effects.  One of which is hair loss.  Every patient is different and some are not affected by this side effect.  After Kristine washed her hair yesterday, it was obvious she wasn't going to be spared.  Being the awesome Rock Star that Kristine is, she simply said, "I think I'm going to need some more scarves" and she had me cut off her long wavy hair.  As you can see, she is now rockin' a very cool Hello Kitty bandana (See Day 18 photo)!

This morning Kristine enjoyed some of our mom's tasty french toast for the fourth day in a row!  It's so nice to see her eating more than just a couple bites of food.  Her appetite is definitely making a comeback!  Watch out Deb, you and Kristine will soon be enjoying your favorite Baskin Robbins World Class Chocolate ice cream sooner than you expected.  :)

The treatment Kristine is currently undergoing is to help her body start making her own blood cells.  Today, Dr. Vu told us that most of her levels ARE starting to show signs of increasing, slowly but surely.  She still has no signs of neutrophils (white blood cells) yet, so she is still at high risk of infection, which means we still must limit her visitors to immediate family only.  Assuming Kristine continues in the right direction, she should reach normal blood levels within the next 7-10 days.  At that time, she will be able to have more visitors.  However, please feel free to give Kristine a call or send her a text message.

I wanted to say thank you to all of Kristine & Dave's friends and family who have been so thoughtful during this difficult time.  I wish I had the time to describe each special thing all of you have done to lift Kristine's spirits and bring a smile to her face.  Please know that she is most appreciative and extremely touched by each and every one of you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fundraiser for Kristine

I mentioned earlier in this blog that Dave and Kristine's friend, Hayato Yuuki, had purchased 200 Leukemia Awareness wristbands which he will be using to raise funds to help cover Kristine's medical costs and daycare expenses.  Hayato is asking for a minimum of $10 per bracelet or more if willing and able to do so.  Our cousin, Tim Seifert, in Florida also purchased 200 wristbands to help raise funds on the East Coast.  Many have voiced or emailed an interest in these wristbands and wanted to know how to get one.  You can get them several ways:  You can contact Hayato Yuuki via facebook or by calling 714-924-5268.  Or you can contact Tim Seifert via facebook or by calling 386-689-1557.  Or you may simply mail a check made payable to Kristine DuFrene.  Mail the check along with a note stating the number of bands you would like to:

Kristine DuFrene
c/o Deb Smith
34 Dragonfly
Irvine, CA 92604

Deb Smith is Kristine and Dave's neighbor and a close personal friend who is helping out the family by coordinating the distribution of the wristbands to those interested in making a donation by mail.

Another close personal friend of Dave and Kristine's, Dee Pernesky, is also coordinating the distribution of the wristbands at the Albertson's store in Irvine on the corner of Jeffrey and Roosevelt where Kristine used to work.  Please feel free to stop by this store of Albertson's to obtain your wristband through Dee.  

Please utilize any of these people to obtain one of these wristbands to help this cause.

One more thing...  I heard some people thought Kristine was cured.  This is not true.  Kristine is not yet cured.  Kristine underwent chemo to try to kill the leukemia (cancer) cells that were in her blood.  The chemo worked and killed the cancer cells.  However, now we have to see if Kristine's body can make new cells without the cancer cells coming back.  Ultimately, Kristine will need a bone marrow transplant in order to be completely cured.  While we are all elated that the chemo did it's job, that was only phase one of many more phases to come.  Kristine's road to a hopeful cure is a long one.  Please do NOT stop your prayer circles around the world just yet...  we still need you!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 16

I had a sleepover with Kristine last night.  Upon arrival, I was pulled aside by the charge nurse and notified that Kristine would be changing rooms that evening.  I was surprised given the hour, it was eleven o'clock.  So away I went, packing up everything in Kristine's room for her to be transferred somewhere else in the Oncology unit.

Apparently Kristine's room was the only room in the hospital that was equipped and properly ventilated for a person with a communicable disease, like tuberculosis.  There had been an individual admitted into the ER who required Kristine's room.  So arrangements were made and patients played "musical rooms" to the chiming of the midnight bells.

It made for a late night for Kristine and I but we got her mostly settled by 1:30AM.  She is now housed in room 239.  We curled up in our blankets, she in her bed and I in the makeshift hospital converter chair.  We both had a decent amount of rest though we were anxious for morning to come with the news of her test results.

Morning arrived with a visit from an old friend.  Kristine and I were slow to reach the full upright position, but eventually did so and enjoyed our visit with Scott.  Dave soon arrived as did our dad, with breakfast in tote.  Kristine had a good appetite and ate her french toast.  (Thanks Momma, it was yummy!!!)  A headache soon followed and we all did what we could to help ease her pain.

To pass the time as we awaited Dr. Jacoub's arrival, I continued to organize Kristine's room.  The hours passed one by one.  My dad and I expected the doctor to arrive between ten and eleven.  Dave said he probably wouldn't arrive until possibly twelve or one.  By 2pm, we started to let our minds wander as to why he hadn't come to tell us the news yet.  Was he busy planning Kristine's next form of treatment?  Was it going to be another regimen of chemo?  Or was it going to be a treatment to help her bone marrow start producing blood cells?

Around quarter to 3pm, I called Dr. Jacoub's office to get an estimate on his ETA.  He immediately rushed over to Kristine's room and gave us the news -- perfect.  Yes, that's what he said, "Perfect!"  Kristine's test results had come back showing no leukemia cells.  The chemo had worked.  We all let out a sigh of relief and tears welled in our eyes.  Kristine had just overcome one HUGE hurdle in this journey.  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS!!!

Though this was GREAT news, we knew Kristine would still have long road to full recovery.  Now she will begin her treatment which will come in the form of injections to induce her bone marrow to start manufacturing her own blood cells.  This process will approximately 7 to 10 days.  After this time, if things go as planned, Kristine's blood levels should reach a normal level.  Kristine will undergo evaluation for her the next step in her treatment which will be at either Cedars Sinai or City of Hope.  Assuming she's a good candidate for a bone marrow transplant which is what Kristine's needs as a cure to her leukemia, my sisters and I will then be tested to see if one of us is a match.  

At this time, Kristine has absolutely NO IMMUNE SYSTEM.  She has no way of fighting off any "bugs" she is exposed to.  Dr. Jacoub said it is imperative Kristine does not develop a fever.  Dave is asking she have no visitors until her blood levels reach a normal level.  However, he encourages you to call her with well wishes, but please try to keep the calls fairly short as she is still weary and continues to suffer the effects of chemo.

So, on to the next chapter in this saga.  I want to apologize for getting this news out to you so late.  You have no idea how many times I've tried to finish writing this blog today. Another big thank you to all our prayer warriors out there!!  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!  MUCH LOVE, APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE TO ALL!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 15

Kristine had another peaceful night of sleep thanks to a medication called Percocet.  :)  She's been in a great mood all morning and actually has her appetite back!  So I'm off to go grab her some breakfast as she still cannot stomach the hospital food.  LOL!!

Earlier this morning, Dr. Jacoub extracted some bone marrow from Kristine.  She said Dr. Jacoub took his time and did such an excellent job that it didn't even hurt.  The last bone marrow test wasn't done by Dr. Jacoub, so in the future, if she ever needs another bone marrow test, we're going to try to make sure Dr. Jacoub is available to do the extraction. 

So now we wait for the news tomorrow.  Please keep praying!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 13 & 14

Most of yesterday was pretty rough for Kristine.  She had a terrible night becoming sick to her stomach and suffering from a debilitating headache from 8pm and lasting until 3pm the following day.  After a long nap, she felt pretty good and was able to eat a bit and take a shower.  The doctor evaluated Kristine's "chart" and believe there is a correlation between one of her antibiotics and the onset of her headaches.  So he prescribed something a little stronger than Tylenol which allowed Kristine to get a good night of much needed rest.

So today has been a pretty good day thus far.  Kristine had a nice long visit with our parents, then Kathy and I were allowed to take her for a short walk along the halls of her floor.  Kristine has to wear a face mask and gloves to keep the germs away and we give her a blanket to keep her warm.  She enjoys being able to get out of her room, though it isn't that often as she has not been feeling well enough to do so.

Tomorrow Kristine will undergo a bone marrow biopsy.  Kristine isn't looking forward to the procedure as it is very painful, but she is optomistic that the results will be exactly what we're all praying for.  I'll be sure to provide the results as soon as we find out as I know all of you are anxiously awaiting the news just as we are.

Until then, thank you everyone for your warm wishes, loving prayers and beautiful cards.  They lift Kristine's spirits more than you know!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 12

Kristine isn't feeling good at all today as you can see from the Day 12 photo.  She's been suffering from more tummy issues, nausea and a severe headache.  They believe the headaches are being caused by low hemoglobin so Kristine is receiving two blood transfusions this afternoon.  Hopefully this will help as it is so hard to see her so uncomfortable and in so much pain.  :(

Today Kristine received some wonderful gifts blessed by Pope Benedetto XVI from her relatives on the East Coast.  She sends her thanks and knows these gifts and prayers will help bring her cure. 

I'll try to give an update later this evening.  For now, let's all pray the headaches, nausea and tummy issues subside.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 11

Kristine is having a really good day today, at least, for the most part.  She finally ate and her tummy issues are subsiding.  Last week, she had been gaining a pound a day, but in the past two days she has lost 20 lbs.  Most of it was just fluids, but she is down a little from her normal weight before she was hospitalized.  We are hoping we can keep her eating so she can keep up her strength. 

However, that can be a difficult task.  Kristine doesn't like to eat most of the meals provided to her by the hospital.  As most of you know, Kristine is a very picky eater.  Thank goodness our mother is in town to make Kristine some of the foods she really enjoys.  She's on a restricted diet due to her compromised immune system, so trying to find foods on the approved list that Kristine will actually eat is not easy, especially when she doesn't feel like eating at all.

By the way, Kristine has plenty of bottled water for the time being.  Thank you to everyone who brought in her favorite Fiji water.  And thank you to everyone who has been sending in cards.  She really enjoys reading them.  We have them hung up on the wall in her room.  It not only brightens up her room, but it also brightens Kristine's spirits.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 10

First of all, I want to mention that the results from Kristine's spinal fluid test came back today and it was negative.  Hallelujah!!  No cancer cells in her spine.  Thank goodness!!  However, Dr. Jacoub said she is nowhere near out of the woods yet. 

Me, Dave and my parents met with Dr. Jacoub today.  He briefed us on what Kristine's condition was at the time of admission, what her current course of treatment is and what will be happening in the days to come. 

Upon admission, Kristine was extremely ill, even though she didn't know it and only thought she was suffering from a very painful sore throat.  In fact, had that last doctor she saw on 2/25 not ordered a full blood work up, she probably would have passed away within several weeks.  A normal white blood cell count is around 11,500 and Kristine's was at 123,000!  This causes the blood's to thicken, it loses its viscosity.  Most individuals with a count that high would've been lethargic and suffering from shortness of breath and memory loss (dazed and confused).  Kristine didn't present with these symptoms. Dr. Jacoub said it probably has to do with the fact that she is so young and was in good health prior to acquiring the leukemia compared to most individuals who have AML who are typically elderly and not in as good of health.  So these two factors are playing in her favor.

They have been doing chromosomal testing on the cancer cells to determine the specific subtype of AML Kristine has which will help determine her course of treatment moving forward.  So far, the testing has resulted in a normal 23 chromosomes from mom and 23 from dad, XX (girl) with no extra chromosomes.  More sensitive testing is still being completed.

Kristine underwent 7 days of chemo which began March 1st.  Then they wait seven days and do a bone marrow biopsy.  We want the test results to reveal a cell count of less than 5%.  If so, they will then treat her to get her marrow to start making blood cells again.  Hopefully she will go into remission and no more cancer cells will develop.

Assuming all goes well and Kristine does go into remission, Dr. Jacoub will consult with his colleagues at Cedars and they will determine whether or not she is a candidate for at-home chemo maintenance or a bone marrow transplant. If she's a good candidate for a transplant, siblings make the best donors.  Luckily there are 3 of us AND Dave and Kristine had Logan's cord blood collected and stored.  It appeared as if Dr. Jacoub was pleasantly surprised by this news.  He explained that though there isn't necessarily enough cord blood to make up for a larger body mass of an adult vs a child, the stem cells in the cord blood play an important role in the production of new, healthy blood cells.

Now, if her marrow test comes back with a count higher than 5%, then she must undergo a new regimen of chemo for seven days and the process starts all over again. 

So we all need to focus all of our positive energy and prayers on a cell count of less than 5%!

Kristine had a pretty good day today.  She still has a touch of upset tummy and she is very tired.  She is resting now.  Hopefully I will be able to take her for that walk she wanted to take earlier.  We ended up having to wait because her blood pressure dropped (85/45).  She was also running a low grade fever earlier which has gone away -- thank goodness!  We cannot have Kristine get any infections!!  They gave her some fluids to help bring her pressure back up so that's good news too.  It's nice to see Kristine getting some much needed rest.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 9

The nausea is hitting Krisitne hard today.  Just so all of you know, she's not answering her phone.  My parents and I are going to head over to the hospital to be there for her spinal procedure that is going to be done today.  I will give an update later.  I'll try to give updates earlier in the evening for our East Coast followers.

7:30PM  We spent the day with Kristine and it's so nice being here with her and being able to help her.  She's been sick to her stomach all day.  She said today has been the worst day yet and she feels really weak.  I cannot tell you how strong she is being though.  She is one tough cookie -- We are so proud of her!

10:53PM  Finally, a moment to finish the update.  I met the PA and her doctor, Dr. Jacoub today.  He explained that they took a sample of her spinal fluid so that they can check to see if there are any cancer cells present.  He said if there is, that's a big problem.  So we're anxiously awaiting those test results.  She is not quite finished receiving all of her IV chemo yet.  She will be finished by morning and then they will wait seven days, then do another marrow biopsy. 

Please continue to pray for Kristine.  Pray that her spinal fluid test and marrow biopsy come back with no signs of cancer.  This is going to be a long tough battle for Kristine, but with the support and love from her friends and family, I know she'll persevere!! 


Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 8

Kristine is having some nausea today and suffering chills.  She wants to get some rest today.  I'll check in with her later and give everyone an update.

10PM -- Just returned from visiting with Kristine at the hospital.  It was SOOOOOO good to see her.  It took everything we had NOT to hug her.  Both my parents and I arrived at Dave and Kristine's earlier today.  Our visit with her was short, but wonderful.  I think it was comforting for Kristine to finally have her mom and dad at her side.  They were so surprised how good she looked.  Although, her appearance is very deceiving...  she looks so good on the outside, but you know inside the battle is still going on. 

Dave had another talk with PA to see what the next course of action would be now that she's almost completed her first seven days of chemo.  Tomorrow they will be taking a sample of her spinal fluid to test for the presence of cancer cells and administering a mild chemo into her spinal fluid (or there within) in order to kill any leukemia cells that may have formed tumors along her spinal chord or in her brain.  I'm not quite sure how to translate what is being done and neither could Dave or Kristine, but we understand what they are trying to accomplish. 

After that, we wait seven days, then they will do a bone marrow biopsy.  The PA said that her cancer cell count is showing signs of decreasing with the regimen of chemo she's been undergoing.  So that is reassuring news and with that I will say good night.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 7

Kristine was in great spirits today!  She's been getting out of bed to move around a little bit in her room.  Dave has her doing some knee bends.  He sent a picture via text message last night and I'll post it after I finish writing today's blog.  You can see how Kristine is being a trooper through this whole ordeal.  The contraption next to her goes with her everywhere she goes.  You can see all the different bags of IV fluids, medications and chemo drugs being administered and monitored through the machine.  She is retaining a lot of fluid, especially in her legs.  You can definitely see a difference in her face, arms and hands as well.  Dave said in 6 days, she has gained 6 lbs --all fluid retention.  We know it's not from overeating the hospital food! 

On a lighter note...  last night, my family and I were talking with her about how we were having overcooked asparagus (the way Kristine likes it) for dinner, which segwayed into how bad it makes your urine smell.  She then explained that it doesn't compare to how horrible chemo pee smells!  LOL!!!  Then Dave threw in the fact that it's also orange in color!  Kristine happened to be enjoying an orange flavored popsicle at the time and used it as a visual reference.  We all had a good laugh over it.  It's nice to see Kristine isn't losing her sense of humor.  Although, she has started losing her sense of taste somewhat.

It would be nice if Kristine is able to avoid the awful side effects of chemo and maintain her good sense of humor as well as keep her hair.  Only time will tell.  We're well prepared with beanies, scarves and ball caps if need be.  In the meantime, we're just taking it one day at a time. 


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 6

Hey everybody...  Kristine is WIPED OUT today.  She really needs to get some rest.  It is very difficult for her to get any quality sleep.  The nurses come in every hour to get her vitals.  They also come in when it is time for her to take any medication or change out her IV bags.  Plus, with all the fluids that she's taking in thru her IVs, she has to use the restroom practically every hour.  On top of all that, her lower back is aching. 

If you want to see or talk to her today, I think it would be best to text her or Dave first to see if she is up to it.  Dave is also exhausted and is currently trying to get some rest.  So let's give him a few hours to recooperate too.

I'll check in with Dave and Kristine later on today and post an update.

The Kristine DuFrene Leukemia Awareness Wristbands

Kristine DuFrene Leukemia Awareness Wristbands

Hayato Yuuki, a friend of Dave and Kristine's, wanted to help out in some way and came up with this brilliant idea.  He purchased leukemia awareness wristbands personalized with Kristine's name to help raise funds.  100% of the funds raised will help cover the mounting medical bills and additional daycare costs that will arise while Kristine is hospitalized and once she returns home as she will be too weak to care for the kids by herself and Dave will need to go back to work. 

Many of you have asked how you can help Dave and Kristine.  THIS IS HOW YOU CAN HELP!  If you'd like to donate funds by purchasing a wristband, please respond to this message by clicking on "comment" below or contact Hayato Yuuki via Facebook.  Each bracelet will be $10, $20 however much you are willing to donate.  Let's help Dave and Kristine fight the fight!!  And remember to say your prayers for Kristine as well.  Thank you!

Hayato's FB message to his friends...

A friend of Dave and Kristine's posted this on his Facebook yesterday and I wanted to share it with all of you.  Thank you Hayato for such a powerful message! 

"All of us have a thousand wishes. To be thinner, have more money, a new phone. A cancer patient only has one wish, to kick cancer's ass. I know that 97% of you won't post this as your status, but my friends will be the 3% that do. In honor of someone who died, or is FIGHTING cancer, post this for at least one hour and pray for them!"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 5

Kristine is in good spirits today.  She is still very tired but feels better today than she did yesterday.  Her body is beginning to ache in certain areas from sitting and lying in her hospital bed.  The nurses had her get up and walk around a bit yesterday to help with circulation and avoid blood clots.  She must wear a mask and gloves to avoid any infectious germs. 

She received a couple more blood transfusions yesterday and some platelets.  Dave had a nice conversation with the physicians assistant (PA) who had a lot of reassuring words about Kristine's doctor, Dr. Jack Jacoub.  Dave is confident Kristine is receiving the best care possible and this only reaffirms his belief that she will fully recover from this disease.

Dave explained that the doctors find it baffling that Kristine acquired AML being that she is so young.  This type of leukemia is more common in the elderly.  Her age plays in her favor for defeating this and the fact that she has no other underlying health issues.

Please continue to pray for Kristine as she fights for her life.  I don't want my words of confidence above to lead anyone to believe she is out of the woods by any means.  If you'd like to visit or talk with Kristine, please continue to follow the protocol explained in Day 2 & 3's blogs.  It definitely lifts her spirits even more when she can see or speak to her friends and family.  She loved receiving the card from her friend Deb who also enclosed some great photos she had taken of the kids and Dave.  Thanks for doing that Deb, she absolutely loves what you did!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 4

Dave said no phone calls to Kristine today please.  She is very tired from her treatment.  He doesn't want to sound harsh, but the chemo is already starting to take its toll on her.  Let's pray that the treatment is working and that this is her body's way of saying she needs rest in order to heal herself. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 3

Kristine is having another good day.  She hasn't felt any ill effects yet from her first full day of chemo.  The nurses said that may kick in about half way through her treatment. 

Again, I need to stress that Kristine cannot have any live flowers or plants sent to her room.  She also cannot have any outside food or raw fruit.  If you wish to send Kristine something, please send a card and some bottled water.  I know it's sounds silly, but Kristine can only drink bottled water, so this would be a great alternative to flowers.  Her preferred brand is Fiji water.  Please see the blog from Day 2 for the mailing address.

For those of you going to visit Kristine, please remember to check with Dave via TEXT message before you drop by the hospital.  Remember to refrain from coming into close contact with Kristine (just to be safe, no hugging or touching as her immune system is diminished).  Wash your hands, then use hand sanitizer.  If you have children or a loved one at home who are ill, please hold off on visiting Kristine.  Please put away your cell phone in your pocket or purse and leave it there before you wash and sanitize your hands, as these little gadgets are filthy with germs and bacteria.  I know all this sounds like we're being overprotective but it's because we love Kristine and we ARE being overprotective.  We do not want her health compromised in any way.  We're taking no chances.

For those of you who do not understand what exactly is going on, here's a recap:  Kristine has leukemia.  The course of action being taken to try to put her into remission is chemotherapy standardized for the type of leukemia that she has.  There is no clinical trial that she will be participating in at this time.  The hope is that the diagnosis was made early enough and the utilization of chemo will wipe out all the cancer cells and potential unknown tumors in her body.  We do not have any confirmation of any tumors at this time.  We are keeping a positive attitude and outlook on the situation and believe Kristine will pull through this and be in remission by the end of the month. 

I want to thank Kelly DuFrene for the comments she left for Dave and Kristine.  I've passed them along and I'm sure they will both find them comforting and helpful.  Thanks again Kelly!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A good day

Kristine had a good day today.  Dave was allowed to bring the kids in to see her for about a half hour earlier this evening.  I was able to speak to Kristine immediately afterwards and she was in good spirits.  Dave is encouraging her friends and family to visit with her as long as YOU ARE NOT SICK and it's not late in the evening.  He asks that you keep up the positive vibes and not bombard Kristine with any questions regarding her condition.  Many people are reading things on the internet and Dave would prefer you inquire with him instead.  You can speak with Dave about it privately after your visit outside her room or email me at bbcsmom@gmail.com and I will provide any information that is available.   Please TEXT Dave (do not call please) before coming to the hospital to make sure it is a good time to visit.  There may be days where Kristine is feeling very ill from the effects of the chemo or she may be sleeping or visiting with others.

That's all for today.  Good Night.

Day 2

Yesterday, we received the devasting news that our sister was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  Kristine had been battling a cold and sinus infection the past 3 months.  She saw a few different doctors during this time, taken the prescribed antibiotics and just kept going about life, toughing out the days she didn't feel good, pushing herself like many moms do.  Luckily, the doctor she saw most recently had the presence of mind to order blood tests. 

Day 1:  February 28, 2011

Upon receiving her blood test results and the diagnosis, Kristine was immediately admitted into the hospital.  She has undergone several tests, including a painful bone marrow test and was told she will start chemotherapy the following day and will be hospitalized for approximately one month.

Day 2:  March 1, 2011

They have been prepping Kristine for her chemo all day.  She received a blood transfusion this morning in order to get her red blood cell count up and, forgive me, I don't know the proper terminology, but they somehow removed some of her white blood cells as these are exceedingly high.  I just spoke with Dave (5PM) and he said they are about to start her chemo shortly. 

Kristine will undergo seven straight days of chemo.  She is being very brave and has a positive attitude.  Dave said he was going to have a friend talk with Kristine today who is a cancer survivor which will only help reinforce Kristine's positivity. 

If you are wanting to see what kind of help Dave may need or have some advice to offer, please share them here or email me at bbcsmom@gmail.com and I will share them with him.  As you can imagine, Dave is being overwhelmed with phone calls of care and concern which he truly appreciates, but we are asking that you please utilize this blog moving forward.  Please share this URL with friends to keep abreast of Kristine's progress and post any messages you want to send to Dave and Kristine. 

Please do not send flowers or plants as Kristine cannot have them in her room.  However, if you'd like to send a card you may do so.  Cards can be sent to:
Kristine DuFrene
c/o Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center
9920 Talbert Avenue
Oncology Unit, Rm #232
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

If you call Dave, please do not be offended if you receive a return call from me instead.  He is having a difficult time with all of this as you can imagine and is passing his messages along to me. 

Thank you to everyone for all your care and concern.  Let's all continue to pray for Kristine to beat this and be back home with her beautiful babies!