DuFrene Family

DuFrene Family
Such a beautiful family!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 9

The nausea is hitting Krisitne hard today.  Just so all of you know, she's not answering her phone.  My parents and I are going to head over to the hospital to be there for her spinal procedure that is going to be done today.  I will give an update later.  I'll try to give updates earlier in the evening for our East Coast followers.

7:30PM  We spent the day with Kristine and it's so nice being here with her and being able to help her.  She's been sick to her stomach all day.  She said today has been the worst day yet and she feels really weak.  I cannot tell you how strong she is being though.  She is one tough cookie -- We are so proud of her!

10:53PM  Finally, a moment to finish the update.  I met the PA and her doctor, Dr. Jacoub today.  He explained that they took a sample of her spinal fluid so that they can check to see if there are any cancer cells present.  He said if there is, that's a big problem.  So we're anxiously awaiting those test results.  She is not quite finished receiving all of her IV chemo yet.  She will be finished by morning and then they will wait seven days, then do another marrow biopsy. 

Please continue to pray for Kristine.  Pray that her spinal fluid test and marrow biopsy come back with no signs of cancer.  This is going to be a long tough battle for Kristine, but with the support and love from her friends and family, I know she'll persevere!! 



  1. I told her I would visit tomorrow so please text me and let me know if I should wait. I was going to come after work so around 4-5. Just let me know.

  2. Hi Christina,
    Call or text me tomorrow around 3pm to see if Kristine is feeling better and is up for visitors. It was a really, really rough day for her today, so I don't know if she will want to get some sleep or be in a great mood if the nausea has subsided. I know you've been patiently waiting to visit and I'm so appreciative that you read the blog and respect the fact that she needs to rest when she can. Hopefully she'll be feeling better and we'll get to see you tomorrow!
